A Guide to Common Rat Species in the UK: Identifying and Differentiating Rat Species

A Guide to Common Rat Species in the UK: Identifying and Differentiating Rat Species

In the UK, rats are a common pest that can cause significant damage and pose health risks. Understanding the different rat species and being able to identify them accurately is crucial for effective rat control. In this article, Pest Control Direct provides an extensive overview of the common rat species found in the UK, helping homeowners, businesses, and pest control professionals identify and differentiate between these species.

Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

The brown rat, also known as the common rat, is the most prevalent rat species in the UK. Key characteristics include:

  • Size and Appearance: Adult brown rats typically measure 20-27 cm in length, with a tail length similar to their body. They have a stocky build with brown or greyish-brown fur and a pointed snout.
  • Habitat: Brown rats are highly adaptable and can be found in urban, suburban, and rural environments. They commonly nest in burrows or structures, such as sewers, basements, and attics.
  • Behaviour: Brown rats are excellent climbers and swimmers. They are primarily nocturnal and are known for their ability to gnaw through various materials.
  • Distribution: Brown rats are found throughout the UK, preferring areas with abundant food sources and shelter.

Black Rat (Rattus rattus)

The black rat, also known as the roof rat, is less common than the brown rat but can still be encountered in certain regions. Key characteristics include:

  • Size and Appearance: Adult black rats are smaller than brown rats, measuring around 16-24 cm in length, with a tail longer than their body. They have a slender build, large ears, and black or dark brown fur.
  • Habitat: Black rats are agile climbers and are often found in elevated areas such as roofs, attics, and trees. They prefer warmer environments and may infest coastal regions.
  • Behaviour: Black rats are good climbers and jumpers, making them adept at accessing elevated locations. They are primarily nocturnal and have a preference for grain-based foods.
  • Distribution: Black rats are less widespread in the UK compared to brown rats but can still be found in some port cities and coastal regions.



Identifying and differentiating between rat species is essential for effective rat control in the UK. The common rat species in the UK include the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) and the less common black rat (Rattus rattus). Understanding their size, appearance, habitat preferences, behavior, and distribution will aid in accurate identification. If you suspect a rat infestation, it is advisable to consult with professional pest control services experienced in rat control to implement appropriate control measures tailored to the specific rat species encountered.