How do you control a Mole problem ?
Moles can be tricky to deal with since they often cause damage to lawns and gardens. There are a few methods to control a mole problem:
- Trapping: This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of moles. Mole traps are designed to catch the animals when they move through their tunnels. You’ll need to find active mole tunnels, which can often be identified by fresh dirt mounds or sunken areas of ground.
- Repellents: There are various mole repellents available that use scents or tastes moles dislike, such as castor oil or garlic. These can be applied to the lawn or garden to discourage moles from staying in the area. However, they may need reapplication after rain or over time.
- Barriers: Installing physical barriers, such as underground fences or mesh, can help keep moles from digging into specific areas. These need to be buried deep enough to prevent moles from digging underneath.
- Eliminating Food Sources: Moles eat insects, particularly grubs and earthworms. If you reduce the number of these food sources, moles might leave in search of food elsewhere.
- Natural Predators: Some people encourage natural predators like owls or foxes to frequent the area by installing owl boxes or attracting beneficial wildlife. This may not always be a guaranteed solution, but it can help in some situations.
- Vibration Devices: Some people use sonic or vibrational mole repellers. These devices emit sounds or vibrations underground that are supposed to irritate moles and drive them away.
You may need to try a combination of methods depending on the severity of the problem. If not call a professional, a mole expert!